Soteria and Ironscales Team-up

Soteria Security Associates and IronScales team up to offer some of the most effective solutions to combat Phishing emails and CyberAttacks. We use both human and machine learning to identify, flag and claw-back malicious emails. We have developed 4 modules that deploy on a common platform. These modules are IronSchool, IronTraps, Federation and IronSights.

IronSchool is a training module designed to raise end user’ awareness of phishing attacks and methodologies and the need to report phishing attacks to their IT/security departments.

IronTraps is an automated forensics and response module that streamlines processes, from user reporting to company-wide remediation, reducing the times and the manual labor involved in response. It does this by automatically analyzing, detecting, and removing malicious emails that have landed in a user’s inbox.

IronSights, is the most recent addition to the portfolio, was launched in 2017, and is a product that performs anomaly detection on the individual mailbox rather than at a gateway. It does this by profiling every mailbox it is protecting, looking at activity going back a year, and applying algorithms to benchmark what constitutes normal behavior for that user. It then provides alerts when it detects anomalies that might indicate so called business email compromise (BEC). This can entail, for instance flagging attempts to impersonate a company officer in an email to the finance department ordering a funds transfer.

IronSchool is a training module designed to raise end user’ awareness of phishing attacks and methodologies and the need to report phishing attacks to their IT/security departments.

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